Unleashing Radiant Health With Vibration
Frequency is the ultimate health assistant. Vibration helps us upgrade our health, and potentially predict the downward spiral of disease.

*For your listening pleasure there is also an audio version of this article read by the author. It may include a few sidebars ;)
Updated April 2024
Mental & Emotional Dis-ease Can Predate Physical Disease
Think about times we’ve heard people discussing someone who fell seriously ill, but was “so healthy.” Neighbors saw her running every morning. Co-workers saw the sprouts and organic avocado she put on her sandwich.
Health of the physical body is key, but it doesn’t explain the whole picture of human health. As we’ve examined in previous installments of the How to Raise Your Vibration series, there’s more to health than meets the eye if we look through vibrational frequency.
How much anger or grief did this woman have stored in her body? Was her running obsessive to deal with anxiety? Was she able to relax while she ate her organic avocado? Did she hate going to her job every day? Was she staying with her partner out of guilt? Was she constantly violating her own boundaries to help others and regularly feeling resentment? Now we start to see a more complete picture of health, the factors that can influence disease, and how increasing vibrational frequency keeps us radiant.
I’d like to hope an awareness of vibrational frequency can help us catch diseases while they still exist as only a state of vibratory discord. Before the pancreas quits, stalks off stage, and refuses to create any more insulin.
Right now our advanced warning system is catching disease in the physical while it’s small. What if we could use vibratory awareness to catch and reverse disease creation before it ever materialized in the physical?
We receive vibratory warnings of discord mentally and emotionally far before anything manifests physically. We just don’t think of emotional or mental dis-ease as predating physical disease.
We can listen to our bodies when they whisper, when they yell, or wait until they hit eject for us. The body will ultimately get the rest/food/care it needs, whether forced or voluntary. It’s up to us to maintain an amicable relationship with our body so it doesn’t need to get saucy.
Think about a statistic from the American Heart Journal that most heart attacks happen on Monday mornings in winter. The least likely time is a Saturday in July. Anyone shocked by this? Probably not. We can all likely relate to how this could feel true in our bodies.
It’s not hard to imagine someone with a Monday morning heart attack likely had many, many preceding Mondays containing something like anxious thoughts, dread, tiredness, overwhelm, depression about their job, or pressure to perform. Days that took a lot of grit and determination to get through.
Our emotions can be early warning signs we’re heading down a path we may not want to travel.
This is absolutely not to say someone who’s had a heart attack or disease should have known based on their emotions. For the most part, society doesn’t connect these two things so how would they? It’s about hope not blame. If emotions can serve as indicators in a chunk of illnesses we could receive vibratory warnings years in advance of anything serious.

How Repressed Emotions Can Present as Pain or Illness
Imagine Audrey going to the chiropractor because her low back and neck hurt. Dr. Hsu confirms her lumbar spine is misaligned, especially L1 and L2. Fear contorts our body’s vibration over time as tension tightens muscles. We begin holding patterns in our tissues that represent emotions we regularly experience.
When we clear these emotions we not only raise vibration, we often look younger as vibration elevates.
Her low back is constricted from living for years with a large amount of financial worry from running her family’s cafe. These unresolved emotions orienting inward also leave her with mild depression. (Unresolved emotions orienting outward typically present as anger or rage.)
She’s seeing a doctor for IBS, and an herbalist for sleep issues. An omnipotent being can see the IBS is partially related to nervous vibrations in her body that throw off her cell’s natural rhythm, and the misalignment of L1; spinal nerves in that area link to the large intestine.
Sleep issues the herbalist is tasked with are a side effect of IBS medication. Which ties back to L1…which is caused by fear. The root cause of all this is emotional. We can enhance vibration in the body (lumbar spine), the mind (depression) and the soul (wanting to be a dancer, not run the family business) all by working with the beliefs, thoughts, or actions at the root of the fear.
This is how to fine-tune vibration in all layers of our being by working in just one layer. It’s like earning compound interest. We start to experience entire lines of issues solving themselves like dominos falling.
Eating Kale Doesn’t Equal a High Vibration
Food can shift your vibration depending on if it’s a low vibration or high vibration food. That said, it’s not to be so banal as to say eating healthy equals a high vibration. If we are angry while eating kale, chances are it’s not digested well.
To have this equation work, both mental and physical strings of the body need to be tuned (peaceful consumption of kale), or the mental will sabotage the efforts of the physical. In reverse, eating a poor diet can throw off neurotransmitters produced in the gut, and this imbalance can cause mental issues like anxiety and depression.
It’s estimated 90% of serotonin (which regulates mood) is created in the gut. (If you’d like to read more about the microbiome, I recommend either The Microbiome Solution, or Fiber Fueled. They make for easier reading than some other tomes on the topic.)
Force ourselves to eat kale too often when we dislike it, and the physical body sabotages the mental body. Paths to higher vibrations don’t often create misery. What’s on our fork is only one part of the equation.
Vibrational frequency is considering multiple layers of our body, how well they are tuned, and working as a unit. Focusing on just healthy eating is to miss a large part of the picture. If something needs to be forced there’s usually something else going on.
Imagine two colleagues at lunch. Veronika eating organic broccoli stressing about a meeting later, and David lounging, laughing and eating bacon. Many might say Veronika is healthier, but I disagree.
Veronika’s physical layer may receive more nutrients, leading to a higher vibration in her physical body. David’s mental body has a higher vibration; he’s going to the same meeting, but he’s not stressed. He’s trained himself to mostly live in the present moment. They are equal.
They have each just tuned a different layer of their vibrational frequency. There’s no ideal order of operations.
That said, we can all agree bacon is like ice cream; great for joy, not so great for nutritive value. Someone bored/stressed/depressed and getting their happiness from eating bacon is probably doubling down on their losses.

High Vibration Layers of the Body Often Prop Up Unhealthy Low Vibration Layers
To increase your frequency is to is to unfurl your power as a human. Imagine baby ferns. A fern actively working to raise vibration will unfurl at a rapid pace, reaching for its full potential and expression. A fern that values staying the same, avoids reflection or developing self awareness, will stay furled.
No one but us can unleash our true potential. Unfurling ourselves comes from empowering every vibratory layer of our being.
Many of us are unknowingly using one well-tuned layer of our vibrational frequency to balance negative repercussions from a frequency layer out of tune. Veronika is stressed because she’s ignoring her soul layer urging her to move to London. She doesn’t want to follow her intuition because she has a story she will be lonely.
The distress creates excess cortisol, so she overeats to calm herself. She’s able to mitigate the damage by stress eating high vibration foods. Tuning her body’s vibrational frequency helps check damage occurring from the vibratory rift in her soul layer.
David is experiencing plaque build up from the bacon in his arteries, but his relaxed body functions pretty optimally and is clearing much of it away. If he sees effects they could be a decade out from someone eating the same diet who is often resentful and lacking tuning in the mental layer.
This could explain stories of people eating sausage every day and living to be 90, and people getting heart attacks at 40. It’s about more than sausage.
“The risk of lung cancer was five times higher in men who lacked the ability to express their emotions effectively. The more a person repressed emotions, Dr. Kissen learned, the less cigarette consumption it took to trigger the onset of cancer.
If the link isn’t immediately obvious, that is only because we have been conditioned to think about disease in narrow and simplistic ways. One of the common myths about illnesses is that they have single causes.”
~Dr. Gabor Maté, The Real Reason Women Smokers Are At Greater Risk
Imagine the amplified benefits Veronika could experience if she gave up her story, moved to London, and ate healthy. Eating healthy would amplify her, versus run damage control. So many of her layers would instantly tune. This is the upward spiral. Vibrance is rewarded to those who tune multiple layers.
Here’s the first installment in my series on How to Raise Your Vibration if you’d like to start tuning your vibrational frequency layers, or if you’d like personalized attention during the process visit my website.