Imagine a Vibratory Warning Siren for Disease
Exploring Albert Einstein's quote, “Future medicine will be the medicine of frequencies." How can we use frequency to feel disease warnings in advance?

*For your listening pleasure there is also an audio version of this article read by the author. It may include a few sidebars ;)
Updated April 2024
Increasing Vibrational Frequency May Protect Us from Illness
“Future medicine will be the medicine of frequencies.” ~ Albert Einstein
I remember being around three, strapped in a booster car seat feeling something wasn’t right. I didn’t know what the feeling meant though. I squirmed, gestured for the window to be rolled down. Then I threw up on myself. I recall sitting there, stunned, feeling this was most undesirable. Thinking, “I didn’t realize that was coming.”
By the time we hit college it’s more like, “Whoa, too much trash can frat punch. I need to find a bathroom; I’m gonna throw up. Back in a few.” We learn to recognize warning signs in our body.
We may be able to use vibration to identify early signs of serious illness before a tornado touches down in our body. Our society is just in the process of connecting the dots.
When I think of an illness I imagine the rings of vibrational frequency we’ve looked at in previous articles. Imagine our physical body like the center of a coiled shell. Surrounded by larger rings.
Largest (and closest to the outside) is the soul, then emotions, then the mental layer, and finally the physical form.
Tuning our vibrational frequency is akin to fortifying these layers so illness can’t penetrate. Like a shield for our being against unwanted events.
You might say we are hermit crabs with our frequency acting as an invisible shell. If our vibrational frequency is strong it’s harder for disease to penetrate us because we’re oscillating so rapidly at a vibratory level.
Vitality Happens Across Many Layers- It’s Not All Physical
If disease has to penetrate this shell like a crack heading toward center, it’s first going to fracture at the soul’s vibratory layer; I imagine this is the foundation. The largest ring of influence.
If we are living our life mimicking someone else, disregarding the career we want because it doesn’t carry the prestige of our current job, or generally not being genuine versions of ourselves, this leaves the soul layer susceptible to cracks.
Living out of vibrational alignment with the soul often creates what we term low vibration experiences. Live a life with enough low vibration experiences, and we can start to edge toward becoming a low vibration person. Making us more susceptible to illness.
If we’re living a life that fills us with anxiety, guilt, sadness, or depression there’s something we likely aren’t looking at, don’t want to change, or don’t know how to change.
If we try to throw a blanket over the symptoms with meds, the unhealthy lifestyle is still playing out- we’ve just altered the chemical messengers associated with the experience.
A shell layer filled with emotions oscillating slowly help a crack at the soul layer splinter closer to center.
Shaky emotions influence the vibrational frequency of our thoughts. (This can reverse. Thoughts can lead to undesirable emotional states; the mental and emotional layers are interchangeable in this shell example.)
An anxious mind will form looping thoughts, ponder what-if scenarios of debatable value, and generally waste mental bandwidth on thoughts that only help create a volatile future.
When we deplete ourselves like this we lower vibration. A depressed mind imagines there’s no end in sight, things won’t get better. I’m no stranger, I’ve experienced both.
My upset mind presented all kinds of angsty thoughts, dubious potential actions, and terrible suggestions. When our minds are full of this kind of trash, a crack in this layer is only way too easy.
We may even help it along when we act on said dubious ideas that nudge us down timelines with questionable frequencies.
Once the crack penetrates these three external layers, it hits the vibrational frequency of the physical body. If we haven’t been taking care of ourselves, we’re in trouble. At this juncture, we now need our physical vibrational frequency to be strong enough to hold off the crack so we have time to get treatment and reverse out.
Symptoms may start small at first (Why am I breaking out? What is this rash?) then escalate to digestive issues, sleep problems, or hormone imbalances. Left unchecked, the body will continue to escalate until we have a full blown problem like cancer or a heart attack.
Scientists at Université de Montréal found rigid low vibration cell behavior associated with disease. Unhealthy cells lose their intracellular elasticity which is what allows them to vibrate.
Large illnesses represent the crack spreading all the way to the center of the shell. Simultaneously, learning how to raise vibration and reverse these cracks can lead to anti-aging benefits.
When we focus on how to raise vibration we not only keep our shell fortified, but it gives us another lens to look through for how to heal ourselves. Getting disease out of our physical body could be seen as backing the crack away from the center of the shell by reversing behaviors that weakened the shell in the first place.

In the way life is funny with synchronicity, I sat on a beach in Puerto Escondido one night chatting with a guy who had a tattoo of frequency on his forearm. He had cancer, and was taking time off work to reflect on his life, and what aspects of his lifestyle had led him to his current reality.
We sat together, strangers, as he described thought patterns and behaviors he wanted to change. Times he said yes to things he wanted to say no to. What he really wanted his life to look like in comparison to how he’d lived it.
We pontificated how much time it could take for the vibratory shifts of altered behaviors to reflect in physical reality. There were no conclusions, or answers. I don’t know what happened to him; we were resonant ships passing each other. I think of him sometimes, and I want to figure this sh*t out faster. Because I think it can help people.
“The water structure in the cell of somebody who has freed themselves of fear and guilt, who has cancer, is likely to free themselves of that cancer because they are vibrating at a higher frequency.” ~Dr. Zach Bush
Health May Be a Side Effect of High Vibration
Our bodies are in full bloom when we’re in alignment with ourselves. When we get out of alignment there are symptoms that come with it. We often turn to drugs or supplements to fix our problems, but it’s usually how we are living we want to look at.
I took a few years off work to get a degree in Ayurveda, an Indian system of medicine. The view I came out with is ideally pharmaceuticals, herbs, massage, chiropractic, acupuncture, and other treatments help us manage symptoms while we work out why our body is upset in the first place. They assist with finding balance.
Here’s the key: To stay in balance we need to understand how we were living that threw us off in the first place, and change accordingly.
Often it’s our programming lurking in the background making behavior patterns that shouldn’t be automatic feel like reflexes. Without self reflection, our habitual ways of being often keep us stuck in a loop of continually needing external practitioners.
This explains why people often revert to their base note some time after treatment is ended, or can’t stop treatment without issues. Sometimes we fix one symptom, only to have another pop up six months later.
Outside of acute cases (like aligning a spine after a car accident) supplements or practitioners aren’t meant to do the work for us long term. They cannot change our lifestyle or our vibration. We are the ones with the power.

When Red Flags Look Normal Disease is Normal
This is an incredibly simplistic discussion of a complex topic. The idea for today is to suggest we are more empowered than we realize. The more we look to healing the unseen in ourselves, the less we need to look to others externally; fabulous as they may be.
Ideally, we learn to value feeling when the vibrational frequency of our body is off, and understand what to do about it. (See my series on How to Raise Your Vibration starting with aligning the vibrational frequency of your soul.)
When I was 3 I didn’t understand feelings I was having meant I was going to throw up. By 19 I knew exactly what those feelings meant. We can learn.
It’s just easier to associate the feelings preceding throwing up, with the event. There’s a very short window between the feeling and the event. Easy learning.
Feeling the onset of more serious illness happens over a much longer time horizon so there’s more nuance and awareness involved. Yet I posit it’s entirely possible.
I’m suggesting that along the way to illness there are red flags we don’t even know we’re missing. Disregarding our intuition when it suggests we’d benefit spending more time in another climate. Starting to consider that low vibration mental states we may view as unavoidable or normal, (like anxiety) may not be best viewed through that filter.
Our mental states are messengers letting us know how aligned (or not) we are, and what we can address to elevate our vibration. We disregard them at our peril. The messengers may all be hiding in plain sight. We’ve just come to consider them as normal…so disease is normal.
If we considered these messengers benevolent warning signs, how would we live differently?
I’m not saying this theory accounts for all causes of illness. Nothing could be so clean as to address everything all at once. I’m saying it’s worth expanding our current understanding to consider perspectives that could empower us with early warning signs.
This is one reason I left my job to focus on vibrational frequency health. I loved my career, and all the wicked smart people I got to parle with every day, but my body didn’t feel right. It felt off, like it was vibrating too fast. I became overly sensitive to sound, bright lights, and had trouble winding down.
I didn’t feel like I was on a road leading anywhere good. My read: I’m probably heading toward a major health issue about a decade from now if I don’t take a break and reorient myself. I wanted a lifestyle where my body felt challenged, but comfortable. Stimulated, but able to relax.
People told me I was being risky giving up health insurance. My thought was, "Any more risky than staying in a lifestyle where I’m probably going to really need it?”
If you enjoyed this article you may also enjoy Unleashing Radiant Health With Vibration.