What's Life Like When You Raise Your Vibration?
What changes if you amplify your vibration? 5 things you can experience with an elevated vibrational frequency + how to raise your vibration now.
*For your listening pleasure there is also an audio version of this article read by the author. It may include a few sidebars ;)
Updated July 2024
I’m Not That Zen
To be clear, I am no zen high vibration woman who is always calm and money flows effortlessly to me while I sleep. If anything, I tend toward anxiety. Raising your vibration does not mean achieving perfection.
This article is what I've noticed change in my life since consciously working on increasing my frequency. It's meant to provide an idea of how life might shift if you choose to focus on addressing areas of low vibration in your life. I'll also provide a practice for how to raise your vibration.
Fulfilling Relationships & The Courage of Letting Go
Relationships are an area I noticed a huge shift. I have always felt blessed to count some of the most beautiful souls I've met as my friends and family, but things definitely clicked up a notch after doing emotional clearing work to increase my vibration.
The way I interpreted the people and events showing up in my life that were just so damn compatible with me, was as we sharpen our vibrational frequency it's easier for us to manifest relationships with resonant people.
Imagine vibrational frequency as a piano. If I'm not consciously programming my frequency it's likely I'm banging on the keys like a toddler making a terrible sound. Lots of things are a match to chaos like that, but probably not things we want.
If I start tuning my frequency and playing a song, or even just a C note, it's easier for me to attract others playing a resonant song or note.
Painful honesty with self is one of the hardest transitions when you reprogram your vibration. If we start playing a C note per the above example, all of a sudden it's easy to see what, or who, in our life is a D note. There's nothing wrong with any note. They are all beautiful, but not all are compatible with us.
As we start to vibrate higher it's a big trust fall with life to eliminate things no longer in vibrational alignment, and trust better things will show up to fill the void. Sometimes the hardest thing about increasing frequency is seeing what we have in life that isn't serving us and having the courage to do something about it.
It was emotionally wrenching to let things go that weren't compatible with me. This transition is a place of huge courage. I left an entire career. It was wonderful, the people were inspirational, but I had to be painfully honest with myself that I was keeping the job out of fear of not knowing what I would do if I left.
If the money from the job disappeared I would regret how I was spending my life. When we start to strengthen vibration sometimes the awareness we gain about what needs to shift can take a leap of faith to implement.
A Rapid Vibration = Increased Synchronicity
Synchronicities started to become more prevalent in my life. I'm defining synchronicities as showing up in the right place at the right time, having an urge to read a book that delivers a business idea, following a random impulse and getting an even better result than you expected.
Synchronicity is like modern day magic. It's the feeling of being in the flow of things, and the amount of stuff that just works out in your favor goes up. It can even be little stuff like having a lovely conversation at the grocery store that lifts our whole day, or hearing the perfect baby name in a movie we took a break from work to watch.
Increased synchronicity can be one of the most exciting aspects of intensifying your vibration. Synchronicity feels like a close cousin of magic. Who doesn't want to up their chances of consistently being in the right place at the right time? Crafting a higher vibration adds ease to the flow of life.
Strengthening Intuition
“I believe in intuitions and inspirations...I sometimes FEEL that I am right. I do not KNOW that I am.” ~Albert Einstein
Enhanced ability to hear my intuition is one of the most rewarding discoveries I’ve encountered on this journey of figuring out how to magnify my vibration. The ability to hear my inner wisdom makes me feel part ninja. (Although I still misunderstand this voice, and have ninja jumped my way in to quite a few spectacular fails.)
If life was a video game my controller would be ripped from my hands and given to someone far more discerning. Seriously.
Intuition is like a near silent whisper, hard to hear, and often suggesting things that don't make logical sense. My interpretation, which could be wrong, is our intuition is operating at a higher frequency than our intellect, so it’s our tour guide on the road to a higher consciousness.
I recently followed two counterintuitive ideas that ended up working for reasons I didn't understand until much later. Our intuitions appear to have the ability to calculate more than the thinking mind, making the ability to hear it fairly game changing.
Operating in higher frequency bandwidths enhances our ability to hear our intuition- which will direct us to further behaviors to elevate vibrational frequency. Welcome to the upward spiral.
Sleep & High Vibration Behaviors
One of the biggest shifts I noticed in the first two years was sleep. I could sleep almost as deep as when I was in high school. I used to be an anxious overachiever. Up at 2am with looping thoughts about exactly what I needed to say during my presentation with some Fortune 500 the next day.
Often the only thing that could get me back to sleep was binaural beats in a certain frequency range. (111hz or below worked exceptionally well if anyone wants to try). Once I learned to better regulate my vibration sleep came much more easily. I’m not saying increasing vibration is the only factor here, just that it really helped me.
I used to blame others for wrecking my vibration. Then I realized I was often having my own inability to deal with stressful people or events highlighted when I woke up randomly and obsessed about stuff. Power does not come from finding only high vibration people and environments to exist in. It comes from developing an ability to hold a high vibration under pressure.
I was the one who needed to up my skill game, not expect others to change. When my sleep isn’t epic I suspect I may have subbed out some high vibration activities with low vibration behaviors, and focus on what I can influence. Candidly, it’s helping make me a higher vibration person than my previous blame game.
Receiving Inspiration
There are more advantages to life with a heightened vibration than I can discuss today. For brevity sake I'll share just one more. Ideas. The quality of ideas and thoughts increase as you intensify your vibration. Imagine someone shopping for a bottle of wine.
With a low vibration just the bottom shelf is visible to this person. They grab the nicest jug of red thinking it's the best option. However, it was only the best option on that shelf.
Another shopper with a higher vibration can see shelves 1-3, and selects a mid-range Sangiovese. The shopper who has done loads of personal work can see all the way to the top shelf and selects an elegant bottle of Pinot Noir.
Ideas and thoughts work just the same. As our frequencies elevate we are able to access higher level thoughts, ideas, and inspiration. The top shelf is equivalent to higher consciousness.
“When you reach the end of what you should know, you will be at the beginning of what you should sense.” ~Kahlil Gibrán, Author of The Prophet
How to Raise Your Vibration Now
Our society values emotional suppression, which cripples our vibration. "Don't cry" may be some of the worst advice I've ever heard for vibrational frequency health. Emotional charges from life events don't leave our bodies until they are felt.
Raising vibration is a journey. Here’s an idea to try playing around with. We want to look at what we are avoiding. Uncomfortable feelings, truths we have been trying not to admit, old trauma we'd rather suppress. The stuff people watch Netflix to avoid thinking about.
If we are trying to avoid something because it feels too difficult, painful, or awkward to deal with it's very likely diminishing our vibration.
I'll give you an example from my life. I had my pants pulled down in front of everyone on the playground in second grade. Adorable to giggle about now, horrifying for little me.
Once I understood emotional clearing work was feeling the emotions past versions of me didn't feel safe enough to feel, I got in touch with young self and cried the tears my little eight year old self suppressed. They were still waiting for me.
At this level, emotional clearing to improve vibration is relatively easy, can be done in an hour, and gives us a little boost. Clear something bigger like emotions from a divorce, or sadness from a poor childhood relationship with a parent, and it can take months to years- but will raise your vibration in huge way.
The emotional magnitude of what is being suppressed equates to the amount our vibration is being held down.
Unfortunately, our society values emotional suppression, which stores this stuff up and diminishes our vibrational frequency.
Practices like this get us "up to speed" with the present moment. We aren't carrying around emotional baggage from the past. Scroll memories like pictures in a phone. Pause and feel the emotions when one scrolls by that elicits an emotional charge. Crying and healthy outlets of anger like punching a pillow are encouraged.
This outpouring is the feeling of letting old, stuck emotions go, and serves a purpose. As they come out they are leaving our bodies. Our bodies become less bogged down, and this helps us vibrate faster.
As seen in the frequency chart of emotions, negative and sad emotions oscillate slowly. We want to vibrate rapidly, so frequency rises when we release them. Good luck!
Want to know what your life could feel like with a higher vibration? I’d love to meet you. Visit my consulting page and see if any of the popular topics feel aligned for you, or try reading my article on why becoming a high vibration person is awkward AF.