6 Vibrational Frequency Fails (Learn Through My Mistakes)
How to enhance your vibration without all the backlash. Enjoy a compilation of times I tried to elevate my vibrational frequency and face planted.
*For your listening pleasure there is also an audio version of this article read by the author. It may include a few sidebars ;)
Updated June 2024
“I'm selfish, impatient and a little insecure. I make mistakes, I am out of control and at times hard to handle. But if you can't handle me at my worst, then you sure as hell don't deserve me at my best.” ~Marilyn Monroe
Wanting to Do Frequency Aligning Behaviors…Immediately
I had this idea of aligning financial investments with my values to clean up my frequency. Yes, I was on to something. However, I had this fear that because I wasn’t aligned I was leaving myself open for assorted negative outcomes.
So I rushed to fix things.
The big thing I missed was rushing is acting from anxiety…and that usually isn’t going somewhere good. (My collective conclusion from many fails not included here, is that rushing is most definitely not how to vibrate higher.)
Plus, my fear of negative outcomes was driving my anxious need to rush. A double whammy. I basically took a high vibration idea and ruined it with a low vibration execution.
I ended up rushing myself right in to buying emerging market and Asian investments in May of 2021. Let’s just say there was a whole lot of red in the stock charts after that.
Had I not pressured myself to change my vibration immediately I could have bought at a 40% discount instead of getting rinsed. The only upside is I’m so traumatized from internalizing that loss I may never act from anxiety again.
Thinking Intuition Should Always Run the Show
Since I spent most of my life listening only to my mind (and then chose to let that life burn to the ground). When I course corrected I swung full tilt in the other direction.
I only followed my intuition for two years, thinking it was the main voice to follow for a high vibration life. So embarrassingly predictable.
I did that thing where you date a guy with gauged ears who picks you up with a mini glow stick in his mouth, only to turn around and date a guy who exclusively wears pastel polo shirts.
To be clear, there was nothing wrong with following my intuition. It was a wise voice I desperately needed in my life of overthinking everything, and it led to some surprising choices.
However, I also have a heart, a nervous system, a body and a mind. These are all valid voices, and it’s the blending of input from this whole crew that leads to high vibration activities.
I thought I was evolving, but I was really just making a lateral move.
Blindly following one voice… is blindly following one voice.
While I believe intuition often has more depth to offer than the mind, the pattern of excluding all voices for the sake of one was still me stuck in the hamster wheel of an old pattern.
Trusting Wise Advice That Doesn’t Resonate
This one took years for me to pull apart, and I’m sure any friends reading will be thrilled I’ve finally seen this pattern.
I figured following advice from people that seemed to be in a higher vibrational bandwidth on a certain topic would accelerate my growth in said area. Yet, I often ended up blindly following advice that led to questionable outcomes.
Looking back I can see the advice didn’t resonate in my body. What I mean by resonate is when hearing it I didn’t get that calming, centering, light up, “Aha!” moment of clarity that this felt true as much as it sounded true.
Instead, it felt like advice that would take a big leap of faith to implement. I’d override my body’s hesitation and “feel the fear and do it anyway” just like all the cliché Pinterest pins say to do. [Palm to face]. No. Just no. I finally learned this pattern goes nowhere good.
In a bigger picture, there’s brilliant advice being doled out everywhere, but it doesn’t matter how sage the advice is. Is it the right time to act on the advice, or the right advice for our skillset? Do we hold the proper belief structure to successfully execute?
In a simplistic example, it’s one thing to start a company with a belief structure of “I’ll attract just the right partners. I will overcome any obstacles.” Versus, “I never get things right. I expect instant success.”
A person doling out advice is eminently well-meaning. However, they have no idea of the belief structure in the person receiving the advice… which often makes all the difference between success or failure. Only we know that.
It appears our bodies can process all these variables instantly and offer a sensation. Following these sensations is how to vibrate higher.
It’s also possible my theory failed because I listened to people who were actually too high vibration. Advice or ideas from higher frequency bandwidths often sound ludicrous when they’re outside our vibratory rage. We lack the context, worldview and beliefs contained on the elevated frequency bandwidth of the person giving the advice.
To throw myself under the bus, I may have picked people too far above my vibration on a topic. My low vibration self didn’t get it (but tried to act anyway).
There are exceptions to this rule. I posit people like Tony Robbins or Jordan Peterson have massive followings because their gift IS the ability to deliver messages from a very high vibration place in a way people of almost any vibrational frequency bandwidth can understand.
I’ve learned my body will give me a green light of resonance if something is a go for me. Without that green light, I don’t jump, no matter how highly I regard the person offering me advice.
“The only things one never regrets are one's mistakes.” ~Oscar Wilde
Assuming Organic Fruit is Always a High Vibration Food
Organic fruit used to be my breakfast. Every day. I considered it quite high vibration. Then my mouth started itching when I’d eat fruit. I was so confused. What was more high vibration than organic fruit? Then I really thought about it.
When we eat wild blueberries, apples or grapes they are usually more than bit tart, and much smaller. Bananas growing wild in the tropics are adorable miniatures of what’s in our stores. Mangos in India or Thailand are often a bit sour.
Even if fruit is grown organically, Western civilizations have selectively bred many varieties to be far plumper and sweeter than nature’s version. Nature also offers a small handful as a serving, and not even year round.
I’d become so used to society’s creation of fruit I hadn’t really paused to think how far from genuine it’s become.
It’s basically like we’ve slowly done to fruit what 7-Eleven did to soda.
Taking the U.S. from an average 6oz soda in the 70s, to a 64oz Double Gulp in the 80s (which Ellen Degeneres dubbed necessary for “six weeks in the desert.”)
I imagine fruit has seen a similar progression from nature’s intention- just with less marketing fanfare.
Organic fruit can still rank on a list of high vibration foods. The point to be made here is that anything in excess can lower vibration, and this seems to become a stronger truth the more humans have messed with something.
Forgetting We Create With Our Conscious & Unconscious Mind
We all have many aspects of ourselves we aren’t as aware of. Some call the unconscious aspects the shadow self.
When dating we may be consciously attracted to a person’s ambition (it was on our list!) and subconsciously attracted to how their lack of boundaries will help us learn to say no.
The unconscious attracts what we need to grow, while the conscious can attract desired elements. When looking at how to vibrate higher, we want to progressively flush out shadow aspects of ourselves so we can create more fulfilling experiences from our growing conscious selves.
I didn’t think of all that when I became fascinated with cryptocurrency. (What article on fails could be complete without a crypto mention?)
The conscious part of me said crypto aligns with so many of my values, thus crypto + me = alignment. Alignment = high vibration, and high vibration = good things.
My conscious acknowledged the research I did. I saw only responsibility. Watching lectures, founder interviews, parsing projects by VC funding & vesting schedules, number of nodes, coding language. I can explain how a blockchain works.
“Freedom is not worth having if it does not include the freedom to make mistakes.” ~Mahatma Gandhi
That’s the trouble with the shadow self. We often don’t see how it’s involved until it’s too late.
What I missed was the hungry ghost of my shadow self that, after spending many formative years feeling like a loss of $7 could tip me toward ruin, thought I would hit some magic bank account number and feel calm and safe.
This obsessive shadow self would never have enough money, and would do anything to make more money, just to have the insecure feelings go away. BOTH sides of me were attracted to crypto, and this unconscious side led me to make far riskier choices thinking I was golden.
Fast forward and we all know what happened. I feel embarrassed I was so excited, so sure of myself, even feeling sorry for those staying in traditional investments.
When really, seeing the shadow part of me clearly now, I was in many ways no different than speculators chasing FOMO. My hungry ghost just wanted money. It’s one thing to say you’ve invested in something on principle, it’s another to keep saying that when you’re down 70% and just quit your job a few months earlier.
I had to face that I have not yet learned to balance my idealistic views of the world vibrational alignment can create with the cold reality of paying rent. (Like suspecting you could be good at baseball, but acknowledging you’re currently just swinging for air.)
I had to pull out with massive losses and face the reasons I was in so big in the first place.
It would never have been enough to make the scared kid in me feel better, and the unconscious part of me thought it would.
I’m now working through reprogramming my unconscious beliefs around money and it’s one of the most uncomfortable, frustrating, soul searching things I’ve ever done. I feel like a fly hitting a window over and over.
Sometimes I ponder if I would change what happened. Would I rather have continued life blissfully ignorant with my poor kid belief structure randomly hijacking my life, but with a lot more money? I actually can’t say yes… but I can’t say no either.
So on some level, I guess I would trade a sh*t ton of money for self awareness.
I’d also like to pause and give credit to Annika Knepper, the lovely embodiment coach who helped me sort out this inner mess. I wish I figured all this out on my own… but nope. It took a team.
Thinking “Doing” is the Primary Way to Improve My Life
To a certain extent “doing” is unquestionably valuable. I spent my whole life doing/building/working. I was so deep in to efficiency I slowly trained my hair to go a week without washing because this was deemed a zero ROI activity. I learned to speak with clients while trying on clothes in a Nordstrom dressing room. I was the queen of maximizing work productivity.
My fail is I’ve recently started to suspect I’m leaving a whole lot of power on the table when it comes to utilizing life experiences to increase my vibrational frequency. It’s hard for me to imagine there’s a higher vibration way to progress, outside of following my impulse to work at something I enjoy.
I’ve been so focused on sharpening one technique I’ve neglected to broaden my perspective.
I was recently in South Carolina; blessed with accommodations on the top floor of a huge hotel tower. I kept catching glimpses of the ocean unfurling itself through my floor to ceiling windows, and feeling SO delighted.
Instead of just observing that delight though, I slowed down. Really opened up my body to feel it. Took a big bite of the experience rather than just noticing it.
I found each of those moments contained enough gratitude to keep me overwhelmed for 15-20 minutes. Insane what’s possible to feel when we slow down.
I could also feel the sheer power behind anchoring this experience in my body. By feeling it deeply I was programming the vibration in to my frequency. Once it’s in my frequency I become a magnet for more. The more deeply we experience sensations the stronger the vibrational programming.
This is how we attract realities that match our vibrational frequency.
My former desire for hustle and speed wasn’t leaving me with enough time to program my vibrational frequency. Imagine if I’d allowed myself years of programming my vibration as a way to achieve things, versus burning myself out.
Rushing = exhaustion and a low vibration.
This isn’t just limited to gratitude. Deeply feeling grief, angst or frustration at this level helps it fly through our bodies so we can create wisdom and vibrate higher after tough life experiences, instead of getting stuck in low vibration emotions we’re too scared to feel.
I could be wrong. See my third fail on resonance and feel how this lands with you ;)
If you want to go deeper on raising your vibration I’m all about using my failed experiences to help you. Visit my consulting page to see if anything feels aligned for you. Cheers!