The High Vibration Person's Guide to Dazzling Success
Deeply ingrained beliefs society applauds keep us stuck in low vibration cycles looking for high vibration results. How to break out of the hologram.
*For your listening pleasure there is also an audio version of this article read by the author. It may include a few sidebars ;)
Updated December 2024
Extracting Ourselves from a Hologram
Becoming a high vibration person can be tricky because so often the beliefs that keep us stuck in lower frequency bandwidths are often deeply embedded in society. Even applauded.
Raising vibration is about extracting ourselves from the hologram.
We often evaluate alternatives based on what’s in front of us. When we look for what’s missing, see our societal adages and beliefs as beautiful paintings that aren’t complete yet, that’s when the game changes and our mind is open.
Vibrational frequency is not something that needs to substitute or replace old belief systems. It’s an element that can be added to them to enhance success.
It’s painting an ocean in the background of an image that only contained a boat and saying, “Doesn’t that look better now?”
Manifestation Methods & How Hard Work is Only Half the Equation
In a way it can be easy to pick working hard as a solution.
Yes, I purposely wrote that as a riddle to snap you into a warped mental space for a moment.
It’s my version of reaching in to the hologram and offering you a hand to help you out. Let me explain.
Much of my ancestral line hails from the Scottish Highlands. Hard work and grit are in my blood. I carry a deep reverence for what these values can produce in individuals and society.
It’s just that I suspect focusing on hard work alone only spotlights what’s seen if we look directly in a mirror. It misses what we find if we swing the mirror around to the flip side.
On the forgotten side is how vibrationally aligned we are with what we are working toward.
If we were talking about manifestation methods I’d say hard work is manifestation 101. It’s more about brute force than finesse, and it’s much harder because it’s all about reaching out.
There’s not a lot of magnetism or resonance pulling experiences in.
“If you want to make a quantum leap, quit thinking about trying harder. More effort isn’t the answer. Get ruthless about trying something different.” ~ Price Pritchett Ph.D
More advanced levels of manifestation bring finesse online, and it becomes more about how vibrationally aligned you are with what you want.
Vibrational alignment pulls resonant people and experiences toward you, while you move forward through hard work. Less effort, but far more nuance and skill involved.
This is why most people default to hard work, and don’t become the higher vibration person we could be if we focused on higher level manifestation methods. Many of us are constrained by timelines. We need money.
It takes a pretty high level of courage to not take a job that will pay us money tomorrow to spend time working on our vibration around money instead. Society just isn’t set up to allow us that luxury.
The dazzling success so many of us want to experience takes both the magnetism created through vibrational alignment with goals and dedication to put in the work.

Hard Work is Easy. Vibration is Messy.
Just putting in the work is something almost anyone can commit themselves to. It’s a straightforward equation. Higher effort often equals higher results.
This is why choosing this as a success strategy is easy. It’s straightforward. Understandable.
Vibration is a messy, new, and unfolding field full of contrary opinions- in both the languages of spirituality and quantum physics.
We’ve only recently discovered “empty” space is actually a mass of vibrating fields. Let alone pondered how it may affect us to exist in a soup of invisible vibrations- while simultaneously having a vibration all our own on a cellular level.
When we choose to throw all our weight behind just working hard we can avoid the messy experimental process of working with the invisible, and the discomfort of personal growth. Yet I sense there’s a large cost to that.
When we singularly choose hard work as our path to success we rarely set aside bandwidth for the flip side of the mirror. For example, making sure we actually carry a belief structure that aligns with what we are pursuing.
Yet, that overlooked alignment is what creates a high vibration person who goes on to dazzling success.
I’m going to hazard a guess Babe Ruth believed he deserved to play baseball with all his being to keep going while he held the professional record for most strikeouts. (A record unbroken for 30 years.)
Jerry Seinfeld had a lot of courage to keep telling jokes after getting fired from a sitcom- for not being funny.
What was inside Lady Gaga when told she wasn’t attractive enough, and asked to get a nose job to help her first single- and her answer was simply, “No.”
Being a high vibration person is making sure your mental and emotional game is on point.
Do we truly believe we can do it, or do we have imposter syndrome? If we keep working hard and not addressing the beliefs behind the imposter syndrome we waste energy and leave success on the table.
This is the vibrational equivalent of trying to press two opposing magnets together. All the effort in the world won’t do it. Only flipping one magnet around will.
This magnetism is what it looks like when we thoughtfully reprogram our vibrational frequency to align with what we are pursuing.
As humans we have the ability to create resonance with life experiences through inner work.
We have to work harder for things that are not resonant with who we are internally.
When we shift our beliefs we shift our vibrational frequency.
Allow ourselves to experience more contrast in life, and we develop an expansive consciousness offering us higher vibration ideas.
Align with how our soul wants to experience life, and we elevate our vibration. An elevated vibration brings us more aligned opportunities, synchronicity, and insight.
I’ve listed a few key areas here, but there are SO many ways we can shift our vibrations. That’s what makes it overwhelming, and harder to choose, because it’s much easier to wrap our head around just working hard.
Lose a Fortune & Build it Back Instantly
When we build our world from a place of inner focus and development it’s far harder to lose what we create- because we are a match for it.
If we lost what we built we’d have it almost fly back at us. Throw money out the window and have it blow back in the car. We couldn’t keep it away because we’d be a vibrational match for it.
Vibrational frequency affords us the option of making ourselves the other side of the magnet for what we want.
Hard work can get us there as well, but there’s typically far fewer side effects and burn out when we incorporate vibrational frequency. The ability to get where we want to go while still remaining a vibrant version of ourselves is the trademark of a high vibration person.
Vibrational frequency and hard work are meant to work together as a system. When we choose one at the exclusion of the other we spin up unwanted side effects as a result.
To me this explains why some people can lose a fortune and build it back instantly. They almost couldn’t avoid it. Skills absolutely play a role, and how much we have made ourselves a match with what we want is undervalued at best, or at worst, not examined at all.
People who consistently fear losing their money or empire may be sensing the resonance missing with a fortune amassed through sheer determination. Sensing it would take extravagant effort to rebuild if lost. It didn’t come easy for a reason.
When Manifestation Doesn’t Work
I wouldn’t advise anyone to use only vibrational frequency to create their life either. I feel like you often see hyper spiritual people trying this formula.
Achieving what we want likely can be done using only vibrational frequency, but that would take an understanding way past our current comprehension, a huge window of tolerance for errors and experimentation, and comfort with a long time horizon of little to no results.
300 years from now this could be how humans get things done, but for right now I’m a big fan of coupling vibrational frequency with some Scottish work ethic.
Trying to manifest before being in alignment looks like working hard to hit an income target you subconsciously don’t think you deserve to earn. Results tend to lean toward chaotic or lackluster.
When our manifestation methods don’t take in to account there’s another side of the mirror to align with, and think it’s only about getting clear on what we want and working hard, we often burn ourselves out.
Pouring all our effort in to moving toward something we are vibrationally pushing away.
(Try this article if you want to read about any of my personal fails experimenting with vibration.)
Unscalable Success = Unscalable Coping Mechanisms
The puzzle gets even more complicated. When we burn ourselves out using semi-unscalable methods of working toward success, we often reach for unscalable coping mechanisms to sooth the pain or balance our vibration, even if just for a few hours.
Most people wouldn’t call drinking or eating chocolate to feel better balancing their vibration, but I would. We are essentially using substances or activities to mimic what a balanced vibration feels like.
We all feel the siren’s call of home issued by our body. The want to feel calm, with a decently uncluttered mind, to relax and have some laughs. Humans will almost always find a way to get there.
Yet, often the quick fixes for being out of balance carry moderate to heavy side effects that cause bigger imbalances, illness, troubled relationships etc. later in life.
Ironically, what makes us feel like we are in a higher vibration space is what keeps us from becoming a higher vibration person.
If I took away your coping mechanism you’d have to actually address what’s wrong in your life to feel comfortable- and that’s what would raise your vibration.
The stronger the substance or behavior we need to offset an imbalanced or burned out state of being is often indicative of the issues it will cause later on because it isn’t scalable.
This is also why trying to “just quit” doesn’t work. It’s very hard to quit something that’s simulating balance for us.
Especially when fixing things could mean using personal growth techniques to shift an invisible vibration. That’s a hard nope for many, many people. Understandably.
My hope is writing this article encourages you to rethink your personal manifestation methods, and fling an arm outside the hologram by considering there’s more to our society’s formula for success than we’ve really acknowledged yet.
If you have anything you feel could be holding you back vibrationally, pop over to my website and see if any offerings feel resonant to you. I’m looking forward to meeting some of you new readers!
If you’d like to keep reading try the flip side with Signs of a Low Vibration Person.