10 Signs of a High Vibration Person
What is a high vibration person? Looking at society's admired figures, here are 10 common characteristics that may indicate a higher vibration.
*For your listening pleasure there is also an audio version of this article read by the author. It may include a few sidebars ;)
It’s Nearly Impossible to Be a Solely High Vibration Person
First, it’s pretty rare for anyone to be considered a singularly low vibration person, or high vibration person. We all embody a mixture of vibrations.
The key is what are the dominant vibrations of our daily life and interactions, and is our trajectory looking like a healthy stock chart? Part of making our way to a high vibration life will also mean some serious bottoming out in order to bounce upward.
We often even benefit from hitting low points in life. They help us understand the opposite influences needed to bounce higher.
Without these opposing forces we flat line. If the vibrational frequency our life is consistently up and to the right, we are likely gripping the wheel way too hard, fearing the detours. Controlling. We want to be ok with as much bounce and flux as possible.
Sometimes we can’t rebound until we hit the bottom, so the journey down is part of the journey up. Low vibration moments can ironically trigger some of our highest vibration growth.
What Is a High Vibration Person?
This comes down to a matter of perspective. I’ll share mine knowing there are many other highly applicable ways to frame this.
When I think of signs of a high vibration person I think of someone who has balanced the cultivation of inner and outer resources. In a capitalist society that almost exclusively rewards the creation of outer resources, this takes serious finesse.
When I say inner resources I mean aspects like understanding what fulfills us (and making time to do it), resolving fears, figuring out how to communicate harmoniously when we are furious, cultivating a calm nervous system and the ability to self-regulate without uppers, downers, medication, stimulants, relaxants or addictive behaviors.
Many of us get thrown in to the latter options because society pushes us to rapidly create outer resources like money- to buy more outer resources like houses, cars, and clothes to live. (Then repeat with fancier versions.)
When we don’t have time to cultivate inner resources our arm is pinned behind our back, and we grab for shortcuts. Cultivating the real thing takes serious dedication. It’s one reason people become monks, or live in a van on the beach and surf.
Both those paths lean toward creation of inner resources, and come with their own challenges. Too extreme one way or the other often leaves us with stress at some point in our lives. The corporate worker has it now, the surfer may have it later when there’s no retirement.
It’s the blending of the capitalist and the surfer, the ability to cultivate inner and outer resources simultaneously, that’s a sign of a high vibration person.
Inner resources are the overlooked foundation of our life. I rushed to exclusively build external resources out of fear most of my life, then ended up with a house of cards that collapsed (due to lack of inner resources).
I’ve experienced just how hollow life feels when nearly everything vaporizes from lack of balance.
Yet, blending is hard, and candidly, something I’m still working on. I wouldn’t call myself a high vibration person just yet ;)
Let’s look at some people pulling this off with a bit more aplomb.
10 Signs of a High Vibration Person
A high vibration person is typically ahead of their time, unabashedly embodying qualities, or standing on principles that aren’t accepted or lauded until much later. They aren’t following society’s compass.
They follow their own compass, and that’s what makes them progressive and inspiring.
So who is a high vibration person, and what are some traits we can watch for as signs we’re going in the right direction? Let’s take a look at some admired figures across history and the present.
There’s some commonly shared aspects between them that may have raised their vibration, and helped them achieve their life’s work. (While we can certainly achieve a high vibration quietly, for this exercise we’ll be using well-known figures.)
1.) Making Something Complex Sound Easy to Understand
Physicist Richard Feynman’s knack for accessible explanations helped make learning about physics approachable for lay people. Especially in his 1983 Fun to Imagine BBC interview.
Take Tony Robbins, his ability to explain how personal growth works in conjunction with our brain and programming still has him selling out packed arenas. As he’s known for saying, “Take what you’re trying to explain to me and relate it to a sandwich.”
When we deeply understand something well enough to help others codify their understanding, we likely followed our passions, giving us exponential advantage.
Enthusiasm is an unmatched tool when it comes to creating deep comprehension of a subject. When we approach something with passion we make it contagious for others to do the same.
2.) Awareness & Pattern Recognition
From Mark Twain’s unabashed observations about society, to Jane Goodall with her chimpanzees, comedian Ali Wong’s searing jokes, or economist Thomas Sowell's wry discussions of his research, high vibration people seem to share an uncanny ability to connect data and observe trends in their environment.
The more we elevate our consciousness to develop an awareness of the world around us, the higher our vibration gets, and people enjoy hearing what we observe.
Those of us who experienced trauma or didn’t have life “come to us” as a child have a leg up here. This need to interact with, and influence, the external world to get our needs met prompts external awareness early on.
Ironically, the pampered child who has life come to them remains more “I” focused, and often has to develop this awareness later in life. Yet, they often start with a calmer nervous system which is equally high vibration.
As Thomas Sowell puts it, “There are no solutions. There are only trade-offs.”
3.) Vulnerability
Brené Brown saw power in vulnerability while the rest of the world saw weakness. Sylvester Stallone sold his beloved dog to make enough money to continue peddling his script for Rocky.
While we don’t need to be as extreme as Stallone (who later paid an exorbitant sum to buy the dog back) we can all admire someone who puts themselves in such a vulnerable place in pursuit of something they deeply believe in.
Here’s how we keep our pets and practice vulnerability moderately.
When we speak protectively we often feed the creation of a life we don’t want. If I’d like a job at SeaWorld, I want to say, “I’d love to work as a dolphin trainer.” NOT “I’d love to work as a dolphin trainer, but if it doesn’t work out I’m totally fine to stay an accountant.”
Feel how the second sentence is protective and sends a very mixed signal if you believe in manifesting?
It takes more courage, and thus makes us a higher vibration person, if we openly own what we desire. Trusting we are strong enough to transmute the disappointment if it doesn’t happen.
Credit goes to Phil Good for inspiring this section.
4.) Creating from an Inspired Place
If we think of all the paintings that stuff the Louvre, Henry Wadsworth Longfellow’s poem, “A Psalm of Life” or Ralph Waldo Emerson’s essay, “Nature” it’s all evidence of being in the zone.
Someone who’s able to enter a high frequency bandwidth and create from that place, even once, has a gift worth talking about hundreds of years later.
In our everyday lives we can enhance this ability by being mindful what vibration we’re in when we work, create, or speak.
If we’re working while feeling resentment and anger we’re more likely to create mistakes than a promotion.
If we’re communicating from a place of wanting to control the outcome (I’m so guilty of this) we’re far more likely to ostracize ourselves. The other person will sense the vibration of control, even with the most cleverly worded prose.
Cultivating a high vibration before we act levels up our whole life.
5.) Magnetism
From Jackie Kennedy’s graciousness, to the depth in Stevie Wonder’s voice, and the thrill of watching Michael Jordan play, a magnetic charisma accompanies many people we’d consider high vibration.
I suspect some of this magnetism is generated when we’re “on our path” in life. As we line up with arenas where we excel there’s a palpable grace and ease present that emanates outward.
6.) Owning Yourself
From gay playwright Oscar Wilde’s flamboyant nature and dress that flew in the face of Victorian England (think peacock feathers when everyone else was buttoned up to the neck) to Elvis’ dancing, and RuPaul’s unapologetic expression of self, there’s a fearlessness in absolutely owning who we are.
Even if it isn’t culturally popular.
In a society of people who want to look alike, and fear wearing the wrong thing, that kind of courage takes self knowledge, authenticity, and development of inner resources like resilience to express itself. All signs of a high vibration person.
7.) Cultivating Divine Masculine & Feminine
Too often we associate distorted views of these energies with the divine expression. Divine feminine is about abundance, self love, vulnerability, receiving, having so much excess we create additional life.
Too often we are sent a signal that to be feminine means giving of yourself to others almost to exhaustion, putting yourself last, eschewing your own needs.
Similarly, we can be taught a version of masculinity that asks us to suppress emotions, engage in reckless behavior, talk over others, and potentially settle things by fighting.
Divine masculine balances assertiveness with the respect of allowing someone to finish speaking, uses logic to take calculated risks with confidence, understands crying is absolutely appropriate sometimes, and violence is saved for brave defense of self, weaker individuals, or loved ones.
The closer we get to balance with both these archetypes, the more we naturally become a high vibration person.
8.) Trend Spotting
Think of Elon Musk with electric cars (and the charging grid). Henry Ford realizing factory employees would be more productive if he cut their workload from 80 hours to 40 hours, because he’d drastically reduce the mistakes and accidental deaths stemming from fatigue.
This ability to understand where society is going long before anyone else sees it stems from higher vibration thinking. These are the type of ideas we find on higher frequency bandwidths.
9.) It’s All in the Eyes
This one is more subjective, so I offer it for your contemplation. From Julia Roberts to Eleanor Roosevelt, and Peabody award winning comedian Hasan Minhaj, they share eyes with depth, sparkle and awareness.
One of the signs of a high vibration person is how much of their life they spend in the present moment, and how much of their behavior is coming from a place of higher consciousness. Consciousness reflects in the eyes.
It’s the opposite of looking in a meerkat’s eyes.
The meerkat has the lack of depth that comes with acting on instincts. Most of the behavior is triggered by the survival center of the brain, and we see this lack of thoughtful reflection mirrored in the eyes.
I suspect our ability to exponentially expand our consciousness allows us to cultivate a higher vibration than more instinctual beings may be able to.
Similarly, the less we act from subconscious programming the more we raise our vibration, and our eyes reflect this heightened consciousness.
10.) Holding to Unappreciated Ideals
Here we enter the realm of Gandhi and Martin Luther King advocating for non-violence, Mother Theresa caring for lepers, and Thích Nhất Hạnh advocating that sitting peacefully doing nothing is the highest state of being.
One of the top signs of a high vibration person is someone who espouses and embodies an ideal that feels elevated beyond the grasp of society at the time.
They are the lone pinpoint of light leading the way to a higher level of being. These feel like the souls who come to earth and push the human race forward. We often understand them intellectually, but have a hard time acting on the advice.
If you have questions about how to enhance your vibration, and want to schedule some 1:1 time discuss, I invite you to visit my consulting page or check out some more of my articles below.
The Link Between Raising Your Vibration & Graceful Aging
The High Vibration Person’s Guide to Dazzling Success