Why Should I Care About Vibrational Frequency?
Can you raise your vibration and elevate your frequency? Absolutely. It's possible we're often working hard to make up for a poorly programmed frequency.
*For your listening pleasure there is also an audio version of this article read by the author.
Updated July 2024
Vibrational Frequency & The Unseen
“Everything you know is a vibration in some quantum mechanical version of fields. These fields fill all of space. All the particles you’ve ever heard of are vibrations in quantum mechanical fields.” ~Physicist Sean Carroll
You know how plants lean toward the sun? As you begin vibrating rapidly you become the sun. Elevate your vibration in different areas of your life, and you cultivate a robust vibrational frequency that pulls resonant high vibration experiences, people and opportunities toward you.
Yet, in current society, vibrational frequency is mostly overlooked because it cannot be seen.
In the 1860s British surgeon Joseph Lister was openly mocked for his theory that hands should be washed, and tools sterilized, before surgery to get rid of invisible organisms. What we know today as germs. He theorized, along with French chemist Louis Pasteur (also ridiculed) that organisms too small to be seen were causing infections in patients.
People just couldn't believe tiny organisms were to blame for illness and post surgical infections. It was too much of a stretch for surgeons to think they should waste time washing something off their hands they could not see. 30 years later in the 1890s doctors still followed outdated methods. Change takes time. Especially when the reason for the change cannot be seen.
Polish physician Michael Sendivogius was similarly shot down for discovering oxygen in 1604. He described it as a substance in the air, "The food of life."
His work was denied by generations of scientists and chemists after him until 1775. Now, the value of washing hands, and the fact that we breath oxygen are some of the most common beliefs in existence.
Society tends to overlook what we cannot see. Yet, as Lister and Sendivogius demonstrated, sometimes being curious about what we cannot see pushes society forward.
This is how I hope frequency will be seen 200 years from now. Common AF. Those of us comfortable extending belief to things that cannot be seen may have an advantage as some of the first humans to consciously tune our vibrational frequencies.
Vibrating Atoms & Your Frequency
Vibrational frequency is the sum total of all high and low vibrations in a living thing. Lettuce has a vibrational frequency. A cow has a vibrational frequency. All matter is made up of vibrating atoms. Every atom has a vibration because of the electrons moving within it. In solid form these particles vibrate almost as one.
Each of us are a collective vibration of atoms. Every organ has a vibration, every emotion elicits a vibrational change, the way we speak to ourselves and others carries a vibration.
Together, the thousands of vibrations in our bodies make up our vibrational frequency, and collectively determine if we tend toward being a high vibration person or not.
We can also be influenced by outside vibrations. Think music, environment, and other people.
Speak to ourselves more kindly on a regular basis and we raise vibration. Take an herb for liver health and we’re influencing our vibration. However, if the herb isn't a good match, we're lowering our frequency by adding a non-resonant element to our collective vibrational frequency.
If you’d like to learn more about what influences your vibration click here.
When Working Harder Pushes Away What You Want
When we aren't aware frequency is even a part of our body to take care of, we are often letting subconscious programming determine our vibrational frequency. The problem is when we act unconsciously we often let our past experiences, fears and old wounds dictate how we act, and what we believe is possible for us.
Vibrational frequency suffers and usually ends up attracting more of what we've already experienced. We don't get to experience things we dream of, and don't understand why, feeling confused because we are "a good person" so why didn't things work out? Especially because we work so hard!
Working harder often isn't the answer. It’s possible we are often working harder than needed to make up for a poorly programmed frequency.
I've noticed through my experiments that doubling down on effort or energy output often isn't the answer to a better life or creating more wealth. Excessive output without aligned belief structures collapses our vitality as a human, and takes our vibrational magnetism down with it. We lose our ability to vibrationally resonate with the fulfilling experiences and opportunities we are looking for.
Excessive effort, discipline and willpower constrict our vibrational frequency and keep it from expanding. Especially if we are working hard at something we don't care about, or don't want to do. If that’s happening we likely have a belief or fear keeping us in the orbit of a job or career that isn’t a fit.
“Working hard for something you don’t care about is called stress. Working hard for something you love is called passion.” ~Simon Sinek
Putting effort toward resolving low vibration beliefs or fears can add exponentially more value to our lives than working harder, and entrenching further, in to something that doesn’t feel right.
No shade toward the value of hard work, humans just haven’t known about vibrational frequency. We can't draw what we want to us with ease because we aren't putting out a vibrational frequency that's a match to what we want- so we work hard to get it instead. This leads to exhaustion and an even lower frequency.
To be clear, I’m not endorsing the indolent. Someone sitting around watching TV isn’t going to enhance their vibration faster than someone overworking. There’s a difference between laziness and a balanced human who understands the value of rest.
Vibrational frequency expands when we’re in a balanced state, so cultivating an expansive frequency is about learning to feel what we need to create vibrational balance in our body. It’s being cognizant we don’t direct our effort toward low vibration activities that diminish our vibratory health.
How to Use Vibrational Frequency to Improve Your Life
If you feel like working harder is your only option to a better life, I’d like to invite you to explore the emerging world of vibrational frequency.
Knowledge on exactly how this vibrational world works is still taking shape, but if you have an open mind, and want to start playing with some of the concepts in your own life I have more than enough for you to experiment along with me on this website.
It would be my honor to have you listen to one of my podcasts, and ponder the invisible while you cook dinner. (It’s actually my dream to keep people company in that way so we both win!)
“Trying as hard as you can will fall far short of taking you as far as you are capable of going. You must take advantage of the support systems you can’t see.” ~Price Pritchett Ph.D, You²
I’m suggesting we shift some of our effort. Move some of it away from working harder and faster at a job we look forward to escaping come Friday, thinking this is the main way to improve our life.
Try shifting it toward finding ways to fine-tune vibration as a way to improve our life versus working hard at a job we don’t like to make money and buy things to improve our life.
Elevating and clarifying our vibration is about aligning with what we want in life so we resonate with it. This resonance creates a magnetism that gets us on the same frequency bandwidth as what we want to experience.
Plus, practices that intensify vibration also tend to push us down paths that expand consciousness.
Without a well-tuned vibrational frequency our lives can be missing the richness of certain relationships, a sense of ease, that illusive business idea, or just time. Consider you have a vibrational frequency affecting your life, and the ability to tune it like an instrument by finding ways to raise your vibration.
Let proof from experimentation in your own life dictate if you choose to believe vibrational frequency exists or not.
There’s Value Hidden in the Invisible
“The things that affect you the most are usually invisible.” ~Tony Robbins
It’s understandable we all get leery when working with the invisible. Would you have believed what we previously thought of as empty space was actually vibrating fields until physicists like Cambridge Professor David Tong explained it to us?
We are vibratory beings in a soup of vibrating fields. We are all connected by the sharing of electrons from the same quantum field. There’s so much we don’t know about how all of this works yet.
In all my personal experiments with elevating frequency I’ve failed pretty hard many times. Yet, I’m slowly starting to develop a sense of my own vibration, when it’s rising, when it’s falling, and how to care for it.
My hope in writing here is to teach others how to care for the bits of us that are invisible; they deserve just as much love as the parts of us we can see.
There’s value in exploring concepts before having the answers handed to use on silver platters by scientists. The earliest explorers in a field often get a disproportionate share of the gold.
When you are a powerful creator being no one can take that ability from you. Your success can’t slide away in financial markets, or be taken from you if you’re let go from a job. There’s so much value in cultivating inner resources like vibration, along with outer resources like money, if you want to become a high vibration person.
While I have failed many times, the expansive results I’ve achieved playing with vibrational frequency in my own life are giving me a calm, centered feeling in my being I’ve never known before. I write so others can play along with me and find their own unique version of this feeling.
If you'd like to join me in enhancing your vibration I look forward to having you in the community, or meeting you virtually if you’d ever like to schedule any 1:1 time.
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