8 Concepts to Embrace for a Higher Consciousness
Finding a higher level of consciousness and elevating vibrational frequency go hand in hand. How to expand your consciousness starting today.
*For your listening pleasure there is also an audio version of this article read by the author. It may include a few sidebars ;)
Updated April 2024
“I will not let anyone walk through my mind with their dirty feet.” ~Mahatma Gandhi
So… I’ve Failed a Lot
I feel somewhat odd writing this article since it insinuates that as the author I possess some vast garden of unwavering consciousness. Not really. I’m zen-ish.
I write about vibrational frequency and consciousness not because I’m a poster child for these concepts, but because I know what it feels like to really wreck yourself on the rocks of frequency and consciousness. Sometimes you have to demolish a house to understand how to build one.
For decades I did almost everything you shouldn’t do if you want a higher consciousness.
I forced myself in to activities or events that didn’t resonate in order to be a good girl. Following intuition? Hard nope. Allowing myself desires or wants? Nope. Better to be responsible (and my definition of responsible was quite stringent).
I made myself small so as not to bother anyone, acted out of fear a large majority of the time, and set the tone of my life to anxious rush. I write this article because I know what it’s like to suffer in lower vibration states of consciousness.
The following is a snapshot of a path I’ve followed out of my hole in search of a higher consciousness. Maybe it helps you, maybe it doesn’t. Think of it like me offering you a bouquet of flowers.
Be a Strong Magnet
Phil Good, one of my favorite creators to binge, once said “When I cross the sidewalk I be taking my sweet time.” Sounds odd at first, but when I pondered further I realized we often rush crosswalks out of an anxious tendency to hurry, fear of not making the light or being in the way, slowing down someone else etc. None of these things are empowering. It’s the view we can’t even walk leisurely across a street we are so time poor.
When we are weak magnets we get sucked everywhere. Fast. I’m not saying we need a panda-esque sense of hustle. However, taking our time with life and going at a pace that feels like a relaxing cadence to us is how we take our power back, built healthier beliefs around time abundance, AND line up with high vibration timelines.
We cannot rush our way in to lives with ease. Elevating consciousness is understanding that rushing causes us to miss key rendezvous points on our path, and mess up the magic of synchronicity. Not get us to that magic faster.
Go One Layer Deeper
Want to ask a friend for advice? Go one layer deeper in to yourself for the highest frequency and most accurate answer. Want to take a spiritual course to expand your mind or learn about chakras? Meditate and get in touch with your inner wisdom and feel your chakras.
When I argue with my partner I feel the temptation to use “you” statements and blame him. It is sometimes the fight of my life to push past my agitated self, sink through the layer of thoughts that starts with “you” and communicate from a deeper level that starts with “I”. (I do not always win. Then I feel the irony that I write about this stuff. I’ll reference you back to me being zen-ish.)
Elevating in to a higher consciousness is understanding we are where it’s at. External guides, voices, perspectives and teachers are fabulous sprinkles…but we are the cake.
We all know eating just sprinkles is a poor substitute for a piece of cake.
I get it, sitting in the dark with your eyes closed to find an inner answer can be dull compared to calling a friend. We just want to be sure we can mix it up. Repeat after me: “My own consciousness far wiser than I comprehend.”
Perspectives Are Just…Perspectives
Imagine a field of wildflowers blooming under August sun. This is what the field of human perspectives looks like. A bevy of different experiences, values, beliefs, hopes and idealism give us hues from pink to boysenberry.
All these elements create filters. Invisible glasses through which we interpret and describe the world. We all just describe our own picture.
Expanding consciousness is pulling back and seeing the glasses everyone is looking through. Peacefully understanding that our perspectives are not fact or truth. They are just the unique way our consciousness gets to experience life.
We can pop around and have what others see through their glasses described to us like we’re at a candy shop.
Operating from a higher level of consciousness is understanding there’s little point in telling someone what they should see in their glasses. We can handle complexity.
Perspectives represent the multi-dimensional nature of the universe. They aren’t meant to be argued with, or coerced in to something else to please us.
They exist the way stars are not the same.
To think unity is coming together to agree on one perspective would be like spraying chemicals on the field of wildflowers to plant only daisies. Saying, “There, doesn’t that look so much better now that they are all identical?”
Self Awareness
This one is pretty much the key to unlocking it all. Nail this one and all the rest will fall in to place.
Why did we have a big reaction to something a friend said to us? Why does someone doing X illicit a behavior of Y from us? What does that feeling in our left shoulder tell us about our vibration and how we are living our life?
Where in our life are we allowing the past to color how we react to the present? What emotions are we scared to feel, and what situations does this make us avoid? Which of our behaviors are driven by fear, and what’s the root cause of those fears?
A deep knowing of self that allows us to answer questions like these are strong signs of a high vibration person, and synonymous with elevating consciousness.
Without this knowledge we tend toward reflexive emotional reactions we don’t often understand, and have difficulty communicating about.
We deserve better than this.
We deserve to know the most authentic version of ourselves.
The people we love deserve to connect with our true nature, over the nature of our programming.
Higher consciousness starts with awareness. It is the high octane fuel that powers the expansion of consciousness, and ability to amplify our vibrational frequency.
“The quality of your consciousness at this moment is what shapes the future.” ~Eckhart Tolle, The Power of Now
The Soul vs. 3D
What our soul wants can often run counter to what our 3D self wants. [Sigh]
What our 3D self wants can often look like a less expansive and challenging lifetime. Not all, but many of us, crave comfort, ease, and contentment. We don’t set out to seek a struggle-fest, push our edges, or put ourselves in scary or legit high stress situations to practice bravery or courage.
However, our soul loves that sh*t.
Our 3D self may crave time to snuggle on the couch with popcorn and a partner, while the soul is yawning and wondering when the movie will be over and the real plot twists can begin.
How to expand your consciousness is understanding that when we hit those rough patches where we keep running out of Kleenex, our 3D self may be crying, but our soul is likely reveling in the growth.
I’m in one of those patches right now thinking, “Why did I come? Why am I here? Was it for all the emotional angst?!” Yet I realize that while my 3D self is pouting in the corner my soul is singing- and that provides some comfort.
Embrace the Gray Zone
The more we elevate in to a higher consciousness we get further away from all the artificial black and white in the world. It all blends together in to swaths of authentic gray.
A sign of expanding in to a higher consciousness is a reduction in simplistic black/white, good/bad, right/wrong, true/false thinking.
We find ourselves with a softer lens on the world where there’s room for outliers, variety, experimenting with different ways of being, considering perspectives different than our own.
We concede that what works for us on Tuesday may not work for us on Thursday. From the time there’s frost tinging our windows, to when daffodils appear, we may update our thinking on a topic.
We become more fluid, creative and accepting in our thinking; we can’t compare things as laterally as we once did. We see that how someone else does things will have its own set of delicious and disappointing outcomes, and so will how we do things.
As they say in SE Asia, “Same same, but different.” Thinking at this level is how to raise vibration.
Touch a Vulnerable Place Before Communicating
Finding a higher level of consciousness often begins with communicating from a place of vulnerability and authenticity. What emotions do I need to touch in myself to make what I say something people can connect with? Being interesting and knowledgeable can impress people, but if we aren’t someone people can connect with the juice is missing.
The courage to touch something real and raw inside ourselves, and share it, is one path toward a higher consciousness. Feeling the resulting emotions takes us up another level. I still feel embarrassed every time I read my article on frequency raising fails.
It won’t always be pretty. Many of us are nervous to be vulnerable because society as a whole is still learning how to nurture vulnerability. Yet, it’s those who go to the concert, stage dive, and leave covered in others’ sweat that embody a higher frequency than those sitting in the bleachers.
Yes, it’s conceivable those of us going first will be dropped emotionally. But what’s the opportunity cost of not trying?
“Vulnerability is not about winning or losing. It’s having the courage to show up even when you can’t control the outcome.” ~Brené Brown
Traversing the Spectrums of Life
Expansion in to a higher consciousness often means expanding our capacity to adapt and exist mindfully in different arenas of life. I’ll use myself as an example.
I’ve always been an overachiever. First one with her hand up in third grade. Was told not to copy from the encyclopedia on an Ireland country report in 7th grade. (I spent hours writing it myself.) Took an extra load of AP French in high school while working two jobs to pay for college.
During my career I was trusted with things like launching international markets. I learned to feed my self worth with praise, accolades, and my ability to hustle.
Then, I started to understand something was off. (Please refer back to the first paragraph.)
I quit my job with the goal of assembling a calmer and more fulfilling life... and that has not happened yet. It’s been rough. There have been tears. I’m understanding how much time I gave up without getting to know myself; I’m just now learning what might be fulfilling.
I write these articles that hardly anyone reads (yet, I hope). I have a social media account where sometimes people like what I share, and sometimes I get called names. I make no money and receive very little in exchange for all the heart energy I put in to writing about frequency. Yet, it feels right.
Stripped of my old identity I feel deeply insignificant, but there’s a peacefulness in it.
I sat out one evening watching gnats play during golden hour thinking, “So this is what insignificance feels like. It’s hard, but it’s not as bad as I imagined. It just is.”
I’d spent my whole life thrashing to stay above the water line of insignificance because I didn’t feel my self identity could handle the feelings. Now I know I can.
I can exist both in a reality where I feel incredibly significant, and one where I feel deeply overlooked.
I have allowed myself to give up the fight and glide from one end of a spectrum to another. THAT is expansion, and with it comes a more flexible consciousness because I’m allowing myself to experience more of life than the narrow box I wanted to keep myself in.
If you want to go deeper into expanding your consciousness and vibration I invite you to visit my consulting page and see if anything feels inspiring to chat about 1:1.