How to Elevate Your Vibration (17 Ideas)
Everyone wants to know how to change their vibration. 7 counterintuitive ideas + 10 easy ones so you can enhance your vibration by next week.
*For your listening pleasure there is also an audio version of this article read by the author. It may include a few sidebars ;)
Updated June 2024
While various bodily vibrations can shift rapidly in response to stimuli, the ability to elevate our frequency in a way that’s sustainable long term takes time. (If long term is what you’re looking for jump over to my four-part series on How to Raise Your Vibration.) That said, it’s fun to play around with amplifying vibration so we can start to recognize the feeling when it shows up in other areas of life.
Disclaimer: lists like this are the gateway drug/cotton candy of how to raise vibration. Super fun, yet truly elevating consciousness to increase frequency is a sustained soul searching practice. I welcome you to explore further on this site or listen to my podcast if you’re intrigued after reading. Enjoy!
10 Easy Ways to Elevate Your Vibe
1.) Bust Up Your Routines
I get it, you’ve figured out the fastest way to drive to work and the grocery store. You like the yoga teacher on Sat at 10am. You always listen to the Beatles while making waffles on Sunday mornings, and sometimes rewatch The Wire because it was just that good. However, to get in to high vibration states we usually need to keep our input fresh.
The drive time we salvage traveling the same way to work every day isn’t outweighing the low vibration effects that occur over time if we don’t change things up. New yoga classes stretch different muscles, new podcast hosts expand our perspective, our brain perks up to music we haven’t heard and can’t sing along to. Keeping ourselves alert and expanding is how we alter our vibration.
2.) Do Something to Make Your Inner 5-Year-Old Happy
Being an adult all the time can be tedious. Here are some ridiculous things I’ve done recently to embrace my inner Peter Pan. Cartwheels through a park sprinkler, painted my nails ridiculous shades of glitter polish, tried to hide in a dryer during a wicked game of hide and seek (didn’t work), absolutely coated myself in mud with a friend’s kiddo. As I write this I’m currently wearing a batch of rainbow stacking rings. There’s a little you still in there. Keep them alive; childhood is a pretty high vibration time.
3.) Walk Barefoot in Wet Grass
Drawing negatively charged electrons from the earth improves our health, giving our immune system a bump, and downgrading inflammation. It even regulates our nervous system and influences electrical activity in our brain. Wet is key for a higher level experience. Basically, this is another way to sync us back up with the vibration of the nature; the 7.83 Hz Schumann resonance. Our home frequency.
4.) Feel Gratitude Frustration
Our society tends to focus on gratitude at the expense of other emotions. Is it beneficial? Yes. However, when we force gratitude at the expense of repressing frustration, angst or anger we lower vibration. The point is to feel our frustration, let it flow through us, and then gratitude naturally arrives. Gratitude is a side effect that comes with properly processing the experiences of our life.
We reach a place of expanded consciousness where we can see our situation from an elevated perspective- and what we see from this place often washes us with gratitude. To force gratitude without the journey of acknowledging our authentic emotions first is like getting a paycheck in Monopoly Money. It’s kinda like money… but not.
5.) Buy Swanky Olive Oil (Or Some Other Thing You Use Daily)
The point is to set up a near daily dose of high vibes. Small batch mustard, orange blossom & basil scented dish soap from Diptyque’s, a luscious coffee creamer, the point is to make the mundane feel fancy.
Get something you use most days in small amounts. The kick in vibration comes not only from the higher quality experience of what you purchase, but mostly from how you’re lining up with the frequency of abundance in an easy way every time you use it.
Basically, a daily dose of high vibes for a handful of change per day. Money you probably wouldn’t even pick up on the street if you saw it. (If you’d like more on when it’s worth trading money for frequency read about my journey in Giving Up Money for Frequency)
6.) Put Plants in Your Home
Plants are potentially the highest vibration thing we can put in our home. I know, you’re thinking you’ll kill them, and dead things aren’t high vibration. Here are three things to give you an 80% chance of keeping them alive with no other knowledge.
Put it in bright indirect light. Think of it like this- do you want to sit with sun constantly in your eyes, or in a dark corner for a month? Neither does your plant. Place a spray bottle of water next to it and mist a few times a week when bored. (Most houseplants are tropical so you’re mimicking the feeling of home.) Water once a week until it runs out the bottom of the pot. The end.
For those still confused on watering, think of it like this. When thirsty, you want a cup of water. Not to sit in a bathtub for three days.
7.) Swirl Your Joints
To raise vibration we need flow in the body, and stiff joints block flow. Pretend you’re doing the backstroke with your arms, lay on your back and swirl one hip in circles at a time. Twirl your wrists and ankles while you watch TV. I do a weekly joint workout as part of my routine. We often focus on muscles for vanity, so let’s focus on joints for flow and increased vibration as well.
8.) Imagine Something You Want…and Sit in the Feeling for 10 Minutes
We imagine things we want, but rarely do we get in to it the way we might have fantasized about a dress up set we wanted for hours as a kid. Imagine something you can’t buy and feel the excitement, what it will be like when you have it. This is how you anchor vibrations of the feelings you want in to your frequency to attract later, and simultaneously raise your vibration in the present moment.
9.) Be an Editor of Internal Dialogue
“The race is long, and in the end it’s only with yourself.” I was 13 when I heard this quote from Baz Luhrmann and thought it was the most sagacious thing I’d ever heard. Then I proceeded to beat myself up for not being perfect another few decades. Basically, I didn’t get it.
My inner critic was harsh and to the point. Expectations were high, and self criticism was plentiful. Low vibration language at its finest. It slowly dawned on me I would never allow someone to speak to me how I spoke to myself. We can all sense that how we speak to ourselves alters our vibration. The problem is monitoring inner dialogue uses constant energy… and can be boring.
What worked for me was picking a character I wanted my inner dialogue to use when speaking to me, and keeping myself in character. Kinda like programming Siri to sound British. Here’s a link to a vibrational frequency chart on self talk if you want to dig deeper.
10.) Say No
If you don’t want to do it there is no “should.” Those of you who read How to Choose High Vibration Timelines know should is like a slide to low vibration outcomes. There will be outliers where should can apply, but it’s very rare. Should usually shows up when we are uncomfortable setting boundaries, are taking on other people’s stuff as our own, or avoiding an uncomfortable situation. When we ignore an impulse that we “should” do something we usually grow, and personal growth fuels vibrational expansion.

7 Counterintuitive Ways to Raise Your Vibration
1.) Listen to Bees
Bees average a 190hz vibration some claim has healing properties. Ukraine even has bee huts where people can sleep above boxy wooden beds containing bees. It’s noted as relaxing for the nervous system. Any vibration from nature will typically enhance human vibration. Try it here: 10 Hours of Bee Vibrations. Can be skin crawling at first, but then it gets relaxing. If you just can’t hang with it try my favorite mantra instead: Om Mani Padme Hum.
2.) 72 Hour Dopamine Fast
I won’t bore you naming all the ways our society offers us cheap dopamine. When we take a break from media, sweets, music, stimulants etc. we allow ourselves to experience the pace of actual life. The pace where our vibration can rise. When we slow down our vibration speeds up.
A dopamine purge can be boring AF (believe me I know) but for me, once I get in to it, it’s the most relaxing experience. I find Day 3 to be when the zen really hits and I become more aware of bird sounds, and enjoy my food more. If you can, it’s best to kick start this in a forest setting.
3.) “The Only Common Denominator in My Failed Relationships is Me”
I realized this with a jolt one afternoon, and it permanently changed my outlook. Sometimes how to raise vibration is letting go of the struggle we create with our own stories. The stories we tell ourselves to keep us feeling ok. That it’s not our fault, if someone else didn’t do X we wouldn’t do Y.
When we can just admit, “I’m a bit neurotic, highly critical with an inability to see it, lack empathy when I’m mad, am more judgmental than I’d like, and am difficult to calm down” there’s peace in the truth. All this is true about me. Sometimes it’s easier just to own what is. More learnings like this are in 6 Frequency Raising Fails.
4.) Do Something that Makes You Cringe
We all have ingrained behavior patterns that feel comfortable, are often backed by logic, but ultimately keep us stuck in a low vibration rut. One of mine is wasting food. Obviously beneficial right? Yes. But. It’s also pointing at a lingering scarcity mindset. For me, it is beneficial to toss some restaurant dinner leftovers- until I can do it without cringing.
I can say it’s about the planet and starving people, but the higher truth is I spent part of my life barely having enough. It’s left me with an inability to waste anything. Which points at the trauma stored in my body that’s keeping me in a low vibration. I need to do the cringeworthy thing of throwing out food to reprogram my nervous system.
Going against these tiny ingrained impulses is surprisingly liberating. When the cringe is gone I can go back to not wasting food for genuine reasons- without perpetuating a fear based vibration.
5.) Stop Talking So Much
To enhance vibration we need to be in our bodies. When using language we’re in our mind. Think of a conversation where someone speaks to fill silence because they are uncomfortable. That’s the impulse we want to avoid.
Talking often covers up discomfort with being. When we’re in our minds it’s hard to hear intuition, and feel sensations offering guidance. (Disclaimer: I’m not very good at this either; long stretches of silence are uncomfortable for me too.) Yet, I’ve found when I take a breath and direct my presence in to my body, I not only relax and listen better, but I’m more present for the other person to connect with. Somebody is home.
It’s balancing living in our mind and body, knowing that talking is not the only way to connect with someone. Same goes for constantly thinking. Cultivating mental space is a great way to increase vibration.
6.) Give to Someone Who Doesn’t “Need” It
Our society is so focused on money we often determine who we give to by how much money they have. Yet, every human has emotional needs. When we use money as our barometer for who deserves to receive we can forget giving is offering a gesture of love. Every human has a deep emotional need to know what that feels like.
How equally are we doling out this gift to people in our lives? Plus, when we overly give to someone we perceive “needs help” it can start to be received as votes of no confidence. It’s about balance.
Some of the most emotional responses I’ve received to giving, to the point of a tears, have come from those society would say “don’t need it.” It’s not about money. It’s about an emotional exchange that amplifies vibration for both people.
7.) Answer Your Own Questions
When we feel an urge to ask someone else’s opinion or advice related to personal choice or inner matters, pause. Try again. One of my favorite teachers, Hisami Allen, reflects that the moment where we bounce out of ourselves thinking we don’t know and need help, is the moment we reject going deeper and keep ourselves from evolving.
Our inner voice will offer 100% better advice than anyone else can. Quiet the mind and dive in deeper. Be comfortable not knowing. Society has trained us all for speed, but inner wisdom isn’t delivered as fast as a text message. Slowly waiting for our inner voice to emerge is eminently more valuable than letting quick semi-applicable advice from someone else shape our lives.
Sourcing and acting in alignment with our own wisdom is one of the highest vibration practices of all. You know more than you think.
If you’d like to explore ways to raise your vibration, visit my website and see if anything feels fun to explore, or skip over to Why Should I Care About Vibrational Frequency? and keep reading. I’m glad there’s others like you interested in vibrational frequency.