Can Intuitive Thinking Raise Your Vibration?
I followed just my intuition for two years... and took some startling actions. Here's 8 surprising things I learned.

*For your listening pleasure there is also an audio version of this article read by the author. It may include a few sidebars ;)
My Journey
Having followed my rational mind for my entire life I decided it was time for some balance. I committed to following my intuition for at least a year to see where it took me. After two years I’m ready to end the experiment. Here’s what I’ve learned from trusting intuitive thinking.
Before we begin, it’s worth noting we likely don’t have a great grasp on how “universal” intuition is in its magic. Meaning, what’s true about how my intuition works may have little bearing on how your intuition works.
There’s probably some universal elements, and some highly customized elements. Some even believe there are four types of intuitive thinking to dissect. I share what I write here as a jumping off point for you to see if anything feels true for you as well. Enjoy!
1.) Intuition’s Power Amplifies With Friends
Think of intuition like King Arthur. Legend says he was a pretty powerful, wise and charmed human, but he still saw value in counsel and his Knights of the Round Table. Intuition is powerful alone, and this power magnifies when combined with other parts of you.
When I let intuition totally run the show I found myself doing things other parts of me (like my nervous system, heart, or logical mind) were seriously skeptical about.
I made the mistake of swinging too far in the other direction. Thinking because I previously let my mind command everything, I should allow my intuition to command everything to raise my vibration.
This process of concentrating too much power in one area is how a king becomes a tyrant… or we become imbalanced.
It’s ok for my nervous system to say, “This may very well be a good idea, but I’m not ready to process the stress going forward with this plan is likely to create.” Once I started valuing feedback from many parts of my body at once I started getting much higher vibration outcomes than following intuition alone produced.
The point is giving intuitive thinking a key spot at the table- since intuition is mostly relegated to a plastic chair at the children’s table in current society, and we definitely need it to expand our consciousness.
2.) Intuition Doesn’t Need to Be Interpreted as Action Steps
Intuitive thinking can be a gentle suggestion that helps orient us toward what we’d really like. It’s not like, “If I don’t follow this intuitive thought I’ll miss out on a way to raise my vibration.”
Think of a house. If we need to get in to the house intuition is there lighting up different doorways and windows. “Do you want to climb the trellis and use this attic window? Perhaps come in this side door where I’ve turned the porch light on?” All are ways into the same house. We get to choose how we enter. There’s no need to jump for the second story window just because it’s the first light that comes on.
More intuitive idea will always show up. If something was really aligned for me I’d get multiple nudges in the same direction. If we rush to follow intuitive thoughts simply because they are intuitive we can miss out on higher vibration options.

3.) Be Prepared For Seriously Delayed Gratification
The benefits from following intuitive thinking often don’t reveal themselves until much later. Like eight months later. I was not prepared for that.
I thought of intuition more as, “If I follow an impulse to turn left I’ll run in to a future business partner, or see some sign that will inspire a big idea.”
In reality, following intuitive thinking actually made my life feel much more chaotic in the short term because I was doing all these strange things that messed with my world. In retrospect, I’m grateful for the reorganization, but the journey was surprisingly messy.
4.) Intuition Speaks From a Place Beyond Society’s Ideals
Maybe this was just me, but many of my intuitive ideas ended up being things to balance my soul and my life, and had pretty much zero to do with making money.
When my boss looked at me and said, “I don’t think your heart is in this anymore” the intuitive thing to do felt like giving up the ghost and not lying. “You’re right, I can’t keep going at this pace anymore” was my answer. Two months later I resigned and left the company. With nothing else lined up.
I moved across the country because my soul was craving sunshine. I decided to travel with no overhead instead of getting a new place. Much of it still doesn’t make sense. Me writing this article right now instead of getting a job doesn’t make sense.
Yet, it all feels intuitive so I’m doing it. Trusting in that longer time horizon. It’s possible all this can end in a fireball of disaster, but I want to be able to say I was willing to try. To trust intuition and see what happens.
So if you start following intuition to see if it can amplify your vibration, just know it may have you sit by a river doing nothing. Perhaps remove what could be less than authentic structure from your life, or put you in situations to work on your beliefs about money… way before you make any actual money.
Intuition appears more concerned with the health of your soul than what kind of house you live in. So yes, following intuitive thinking can elevate your vibration, but life may start to veer to the left of what we picture a high vibration life looks like.
5.) Intuition: A Chinese Menu
Do you want grounding or adventure? We typically have some idea what we want to eat before going to a restaurant. Intuition is no different.
Some people like to push at their edges in big ways, are comfortable with adrenaline, or like the feeling of emerging from a semi-disaster victorious. Great, follow impulses from your intuition that other parts of you are unsure about. You may expand your vibrational frequency rapidly… or end up really stressed out. It depends on your mental or emotional constitution.
The more parts of you that are on board with suggestions from your intuition the more grounded and peaceful the action will be.
Initially I kept following intuitive thinking under the delusion all intuition leads us to a peaceful and fulfilled life. Nope.
Following intuitive thoughts that didn’t resonate with more than one or two fragmented parts of me consistently produced more cortisol than wisdom.
I learned a ton, but made the call I didn’t want to learn by navigating stressful situations anymore. Raising your vibration is as much about knowing how your soul wants to grow, as it is going through the actual growth process.

6.) Programming a Preferred Mode of Impulse Control
When following intuitive thinking we want to be aware of our brain’s capacity for impulse control. Impulse control isn’t good or bad. I have some wicked successful friends who have run their whole lives on impulse. Conversely, I’m in the camp of high impulse control and overthinking things.
We want to have an awareness of where we fall on this spectrum because when we go all out in one direction or another there’s often some suspect outcomes lurking on the edges of continuums.
I’ve become a fan of what Buddhism refers to as the Middle Way. For me this place of reduced effort is where the highest vibration outcomes live, but this isn’t true for everyone. We want to develop an awareness of where we are so we can temper things if we need to.
Someone with ADD is far more likely to follow random impulses, and with that, their intuition. This can take them amazing places, or cause chaos depending on what their goals are.
I find power in loosening up and practicing going with my first answer to something, but for others balance will be a quick dose of analysis. Changing your vibration is about developing awareness of default operating systems and tweaking from there.
7.) Intuition Offers Timeline Suggestions (Not Orders)
What stopped my experiment dead in its tracks, causing me to pause and question what intuition even is, was a really terrible idea. From my intuition. All the other parts of me were ringing alarm bells in protest. I was seriously skeptical this idea would take me anywhere good.
My ponderings around this odd event updated my theory on what intuition is: Flickers of intuition may be previews of various timelines available. Not guarantees of ways to raise your vibration.
Intuition doesn’t always have all the answers. I suspect intuition shows us movie trailers for various life paths that are a 7/10 or above on IMDB.
These ideas have decent potential to become high vibration paths. However, it matters if we have the skill level, emotional capabilities, stress capacity etc. to navigate a timeline and turn it in to something high vibration. Essentially, we want to add a dose of discernment.
Paths are not innately high vibration on their own. Deft navigation of a path is what enhances our vibrational frequency.
There are times we can say, “I’m not up for that path” and it’s all good.
8.) Intuition Rarely Gives Us What We Want
Reality conforms to vibrational frequency. If we want something we don’t have there’s a reason. We likely aren’t a vibrational match to it.
We may hold beliefs that keep our vibrational frequency and actions out of range, or we’re afraid to experience an emotion that’s on the path to what we want… who knows.
Point is, something is in the way. Following intuitive thinking won’t magically lead us to what we want. It will lead to experiences that grow us in to the person who is a vibratory match to what we want.
This is why intuitive thinking often seems to lead to trouble or messiness. It’s just pointing at what we need to work out- which is usually going to be messy. Especially if we have big goals.
The larger we aim the faster our vibrational frequency needs to oscillate for life altering experiences. Whether it’s epic love, or running a company, big goals require jumping numerous frequency bandwidths. A turbulent life process.
This may feel like paddling backward for a while, but that’s often what moving forward and expanding consciousness feels like.
If you ever find yourself interested in cultivating your vibration to align with certain experiences, swing by my website. I’d love to meet you.
If you enjoyed this article you may enjoy perusing a compilation of vibrational fails and other assorted lessons from this journey, or what I’ve felt life to be like with a higher vibration.